Our team
To ensure the smooth running of Bioforce, men and women take action every day in France, in Senegal, in CAR, in Lebanon and in Jordan. Discover more about them.
Meet the people behind Bioforce
Bioforce has a board of trustees comprising 20 members who help develop the strategy and vote on the broad guidelines. Daily operations are covered by a team of 70 people in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, at the headquarters, in training centres and in our missions. Finally, we have a network of external trainers, some of whom are accredited as Associate Trainers.

Comprising 20 members, the Board of Trustees sets Bioforce’s broad guidelines. It votes on the operational plan and the budget.
The team implements the broad guidelines approved by the Board of Trustees, with coordination and support from a management committee.
The expertise of our Learning and Development coordinators is applied to all our teaching and learning.