Diploma course
You have applied online for a diploma course: what is the next step?
Find the humanitarian training course that's right for you! The Bioforce team is delighted to present its 2025 training offer: more than 130 sessions, in 11 countries and by distance learning!
The Government of the Principality of Monaco (Department of International Cooperation) and Bioforce Afrique are today launching the “Initiatives-Sahel” call for projects to support civil society initiatives in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal.
Download the full report. Analysis and synthesis of interviews of key informants, survey, 11 local workshops in 10 countries, additional study on the impact of covid-19 on humanitarian professions, and recommendations from the conference on professionalisation in the humanitarian sector.
You have applied online for a diploma course: what is the next step?
Once you’ve applied online for a diploma course (duration: 3 months or longer) in Europe, your application will be examined by the Bioforce staff upon receipt of the 60€ administration fees.
Payment is possible by:
Your payment must be received within 1 month: otherwise, your online application would have to be cancelled. We will acknowledge receipt of your payment via email within 15 days and we will contact you by email to inform you whether your application has been selected within 2 months.
Please note that our team can suggest to you another diploma course instead: no need for you to worry or to apply for several diploma courses.
Once you’ve applied online for a diploma course (duration: 3 months or longer) in Africa, your application will be examined by the Bioforce staff upon receipt of the FCFA 20.000 administration fees.
Payment is possible by:
Your payment must be received within 1 month: otherwise, your online application would have to be cancelled. We will acknowledge receipt of your payment via email within 15 days and we will contact you by email to inform you whether your application has been selected within 2 months. Please note that our team can suggest to you another diploma course instead: no need for you to worry or to apply for several diploma courses.