2019 annual report: get to know Bioforce better
across all our activities grew by 15%.
Behind this indicator is a whole momentum to meet the needs and requirements of our partners.
Driven by the development of its activities in crisis-affected zones,
Bioforce is now more than an Institute. We are a humanitarian organisation that works in the preparation and response to the needs of the most vulnerable populations and of the aid sector, thanks to our 3 strategic axes: the training of humanitarian actors, the strengthening of their organisations and our contribution to the structuring of the humanitarian sector.
As you will read in this annual report, in 2019, our activities have considerably evolved in these three areas of intervention. The number of our beneficiaries (individuals and organisations), and of the countries in which we operate, have increased.
In the light of our achievements and with the support of our partners, we will be able to go even further in 2020 and demonstrate the importance of training even more individuals and organisations capable of dealing with crises such as the one that has hit the world since the beginning of the year.
This outbreak has shown that we must be ready wherever a disaster may strike, and in order to anticipate this, we must create this new generation of men and women in the field capable of dealing with tomorrow’s crises.
We would like to thank our students, our trainers and all of our supporters and partners for the trust they place in us.