Board of Trustees
Comprising 20 members, the Board of Trustees sets Bioforce’s broad guidelines. It votes on the operational plan and the budget.
Bernard SINOU
Former student of the French École polytechnique, Bernard Sinou began his career in the regional research department of the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Research, before joining the Caisse d’Epargne Provence-Alpes-Corse, where he became deputy Managing Director. In 2001, he joined the SNCF where he was successively Chief of Staff to the Chairman and Director of Public Transport, member of the SNCF Executive Committee before being appointed head of EFFIA, a subsidiary of the SNCF specialising in services.
In 2009, back in the Rhône-Alpes region, he became Chief Executive Officer of the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry until his appointment in 2012 as Director of Public Affairs for Institut Mérieux and Chief Executive Officer of the Fondation pour l’Université de Lyon, a responsibility he will hold until the end of 2015.
He has been Chief Executive Officer of Institut Mérieux since October 2016.
Ex-officio member
Fondation Mérieux
Alexandre Mérieux
Qualified members
Geneviève Wills
Director for France, World Food Programme
Claus Sorensen
Former general director of EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department
Legal entities
Croix-Rouge Française
Institut Mérieux
Médecins du Monde
Private persons
Erick Lellouche
Denis Ricca
Consultant in armed violence reduction, Bioforce Alumni Representative
Jérôme Pupat
Founding director, Onaryc CSD
Emmanuelle Corp
Sefora Kodjo
présidente de la Fondation Sephis, entreprenariat féminin en Côte d’Ivoire
Associated members
Grenoble Ecole de Management
IUT Ville d’Avray
Ville de Vénissieux
Métropole de Lyon
Plateforme d’Insertion pour la Coopération et l’Humanitaire
Préfecture de Région
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Direction de la Coopération Internationale, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Principauté de Monaco