Intervention strategy
Today, 235 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance worldwide. Complex crises are increasing and in order to ensure vulnerable populations have access to adapted and high-quality aid, we fervently believe that humanitarians need to be empowered. Empowered to provide effective, high-quality, discerning, professional and responsible aid.
Behind each and every effective humanitarian intervention there is a trained, qualified professional.

Today, the majority of humanitarian teams comes from crisis zones. National and international organisations’ intervention capacity with vulnerable populations depends on them. Yet these very organisations face the same challenge: how to recruit enough qualified, operational staff. The scale of this problem is such that it can compromise the responsiveness, and over time, the volume of aid provided.
In these areas of crisis, many people are keen to get involved in helping others. So, the problem is not a lack of commitment, rather a lack of training to help these people find employment. The range of operational, professional and certified training which has produced entire generations of humanitarians in Europe, is in short supply and hard to access in these parts of the world. We remain mobilised to nurture a pool of humanitarian workers worldwide by creating the appropriate training.
In parallel, it is important to create the conditions for those already recruited to develop and strengthen their skills throughout their careers in order to improve their practice and evolve within their organisation. For this, each year we gradually increase the number of training sessions in key professional skills in our centres, in
response areas but also online. Our partner organisations can now integrate these opportunities in the development policies of their teams.
We empower these men and women who take action throughout the world by making it easier to access tailored, reputed training. LEARN
The humanitarian organisations with which these men and women are involved are themselves operating in an ever-changing environment: increasingly complex crises, insecurity, accountability requirements, issues surrounding adhering to humanitarian principles as well as managing high-risk behaviour, developing operational partners, and so on.
Both national and international humanitarian organisations must inevitably optimise their operational capacities. They also need to impart their specific ways of working and their quality requirements to national implementing partners which are increasingly exposed and increasingly in demand, and many development organisations struggle with the shift to emergency response work.
How can we begin the process when, plunged into the middle of crises, all their time is taken up by the work they do on a daily basis to support vulnerable populations?
We empower national and international humanitarian organisations, their teams and their partners by designing, with them, tailored learning programmes. BUILD
The humanitarian sector is still under construction, just as full of questions about its frame of intervention and its environmental impact as full of coordination and organisation initiatives (clusters, standards, codes of conduct, etc.).
We firmly believe that this drive for professionalism will further improve the quality and accessibility of humanitarian aid. Through our reputed expertise in course design, we can help build a professional humanitarian community which speaks the same language, uses the same frames of reference and the same skills development and capacity building tools.
We empower this community by providing our innovations and by sharing our firm belief that capacity building is a vital part of professionalisation. SHARE
People, organisations and the sector
are all closely interconnected. Focussing our attention on individuals without taking into account their environment, i.e. the organisation employing them or the sector which shapes their work in support of others, would significantly limit the impact and the scope of our work. Just as it would if we were to build organisations’ and the sector’s capacity with no concern for the skills of the people working there, who spend every day facing crisis situations. We therefore need to work on all three dimensions at the same time if we want to improve humanitarian interventions in support of vulnerable populations.